Tuesday, December 17, 2013

HP Networking convergence invite flow script

Change the rules of networking with the power of convergence!

Something that is really suppressing innovation today is the complicated operations involved in networking.  A change is the call of the hour. And that is what HP has brought about with its Networking solutions.

Bringing the Change
HP offers the best in class core switching products, a wide selection of edge switches, HP intrusion prevention solutions for comprehensive network security & proven global expertise in networking services and education. HP networking portfolio changes how networks are secured, managed, deployed & expanded. This game changing portfolio of products and services has established the benchmark for standards based networking.
Numerically speaking…
There is a reduction in complexities up to 85% while delivering data center solutions that virtualizes network connectivity through HP. Along with that, HP TippingPoint Secure Virtualization Framework provides a unified security model across both physical & virtual environments resulting in seamless protection with an astounding ROI of around 247% in a matter of 6 months.
Bringing the Experts
In order to simplify your network for greater flexibility, affordability, and dependability HP is coming forth with an interactive session which will involve some of the best names/technocrats/networking experts/technological wizards to enlighten us on the same. And the most prominent of them being Tony Teo and Jeff Kabel. Please allow us to introduce them a little in detail;
Jeff Kabel, Technical Marketing Engineer
Jeff Kabel has served 2 decades with some of the biggest names in the technology industry. His focus has covered everything from Content Delivery networking, IP Telephony and Network Management to Visual Communications & Immersive Video Collaboration. Jeff’s forte is designing large-scale, robust, converged infrastructures for Fortune 500 and large educational institutions.

Tony Teo, Security Architect Manager, APJ 
As the Security Architect Manager, Asia Pacific Japan of HP – TippingPoint, Tony Teo oversees and is driving all of TippingPoint’s technical operations. He also assists sales team in developing new business opportunities in the APJ region. With over 10 years’ experience in the ICT industry, Tony comes equipped with a strong understanding of the network and application security market.

Bringing in You
It is through this session that HP is teaming with you to change the old/obsolete rules so that your IT department can spend less time on network management and more time on business innovation.

Hewlett Packard Networking takes great/immense pleasure in inviting you for this session to explore these ground breaking changes in the world of networking.


Change the rule of networking
Subhodeep Bhattacharya

An insight into Networking products and solutions
Gangadhar Chandrasekhar


Next generation Data center solutions & HP vision
Jeff Kabel, Senior Solution Architect from HP Global Data Center/Technical Marketing Engineer

Tipping Point Security Solution
Tony Teo, Tipping Point lead for APJ                                                                                                                                                           

Vote of thanks/Q&A
Jatin Khera, HPN GA Country Sales Manager                                                                       

The Change has Arrived!

Please click here to witness new rules of networking

We look forward to have your presence. 

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