Sunday, February 19, 2006

Impacts of Internet Marketing on Millennium Enterprises

As we entered and took the first step into this millennium, the mechanics running the market also stepped forward. This was simply due to the rise in the number of rational & internet-savvy consumers or end users. One fact to which we (marketers) cannot afford to turn our backs at.

The target population is literate; a thirteen year old boy sitting at one corner of the world, with the help of a web-cam and strong connectivity of internet turned a millionaire by the time he was 17 as he marketed images through chat rooms. So with internet, one now can understand needs, whereabouts and habits of the target population and chart them in accordance to the product/service development leading to a definitive market strategy.

Where do all this and other studies in the change of consumer behavior direct us? Is it the same old marketing game of the four to n number of P’s? Or is it the World Wide Web/internet? It is the former equipped with later as one of the strongest tool/medium. Internet Marketing for the enterprises of this era is giving ground breaking results in terms of ROI, CRM, Brand loyalty and most importantly customer retention as the interaction has come to mouse clicks & ‘Enter’ keys as in speed and accuracy. Evenmore to find out about the impacts of practicing or using Internet Marketing tools the market studies are done with the help of web-based marketing research.


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